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Unit Code: SSC536

Unit Name: Techniques of Sports 5 (Lawn - Tennis/Basketball)

Description: This course offers students the opportunity to study and learn new ways that may be different from what they have experienced before entering University life. The opportunity also extends into the proper way to: (a) move in the sports selected, (b) the basic principles of performing in these sports, (c) the important training methods that are required for each sport in this unit, (d) the physical fitness components that are characteristics of these sports.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: Student must pass in the Fiji Year 13 certificate Examination (13 years of education with continuous progression), or its equivalent, with at least 50% in subjects designated in the relevant programme regulations or Successful completion of Certificate IV in Sports Science. Matured entry provision as in UASR.

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2